
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mongo Sharding

  • Approach to horizontal scaling - break up a collection onto multiple logical hosts
  • Want to spread data around to different databases
  • Split data up from a particular collection
  • Each shard is a replica set (at least 3 each)
  • Queries are distributed
  • Router - mongos - used to distribute the queries to the proper host.  You can have multiple mongos instances.  The mongos instances are similar to a replica set.  They are stateless, and if one goes down, another takes over.
  • range-based approach
  • Shard Key
  • Queries are sent to the mongos router from the application
  • If query does not include the shard key, mongos will send to all shards to figure out location
  • Inserts require the shard key
  • data without a shard key will be stored in S0 (left-most shard database)

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